Monday 21 March 2016


Hi there :)
I have been missing for around half year I think? I am so sorry but I really don't know what to write    >.< and today I am back here again after I read a blog post about little things my bf does that actually matters

I wrote this to remember all the little things that he does in ordinary days and I really appreciate that. It just melts my heart every time. Like Chev, the blogger said the most impactful memories in life are usually the nameless moments on ordinary days, when there’s no commercialised #Vday obligation to do something special.

1. Buying extra for me
He knew my brother and I always fought for food when it comes to my favourite food/snacks. When he came back from Perth that day, he gave me two KitKats and he said one for you one for him *awwww So sweet of him

2. Reminding me to eat 
My bf always asked me did I have my breakfast/lunch/dinner especially breakfast. I usually skipped breakfast and sometimes I will have gastric too. To keep me away from that, he always want me to have my meal on time

3. Giving me surprises
When he finished his studies in Perth, he told me back he will back on Monday and on that Sunday when I was on my way back to Penangfrom colleague's wedding dinner @ SP, he told me that he is already in Penang and met me once I reached Penang. I was totally stunned at the moment! Imagine having 5 months of long distance relationship since we been together and finally he is back!

4. Travel from Penang to Kampar
Last year, when I got no transport to back Penang, he drove all the way from Penang to Kampar to fetch me back to Penang. *it's tiringgg I know* This year, after my intern, I have to do my presentation in my university. He accompanied me and helped me to move my things to my new hostel and fix the cupboard for me.

5. Accompany me in doing what I love
I love Bigbang very much and he is more into the classic chinese song and not really into K-pop. But he still went to Bigbang concert with me without having any idea on Bigbang. I was so enjoyed on that night and he helped to fan me and protected me the whole night

6. Hold my hand always
Always, after came down from the car, inside the car, anytime. He always hold my hand. I think this whole thing is really cute! -feeling loved.

7. My favourite beyond his
He always let me choose my favourite food/snack/drinks/anything first. We should be happy that our taste is quite similar hahaha

8. Remembering small things I said
Sometimes me myself would have forgotten about that too lolol

9. Remembering my friends
He remembered my friends and things I have talked to him about them. This is sweet!

10.  Being respectful to my family
When I'm had argument with my family, he reminds me of how much I love them on normal days

11. Being transparent about his phone
He let me to set my thumbprint as a password and let view/use his phone whenever I want. Despite that, I never check on his phone before

12. Our photo as wallpaper
He set our photo/my photo as his wallpaper on his phone

13. Dry my hair
He helped me to dry my hair whenever we are together. This is a big help to me cause drying my long and thick hair is tiringggggggg

14. Make time for me
Before I go back to Kampar to study, he will make his time for me to meet me on that day or the day before I leave.

15. Setting me in his close friend list in fb
Once I shared/post anything, he will receive notification. I have never list any one in any of the list in fb and he is the first in my close friend list. Heh


Of course there are so much more little things my bf does for me. Writing down all these making me feel grateful to have him as my bf. Heh😜 noticed that I didn't write anything about him, so
This is for him :)