Tuesday 18 October 2016


前几天和他在逛街时看到这个广告语:多谢你爱我,他就跟我说我应该那么对他说。虽然是真的但还是觉得他很厚脸皮 哈哈哈

在前一篇我提起来我和朋友的巴厘岛之旅是四天三夜,到最后我自己变成了六天五夜 哈哈哈。第三天的时候,我和朋友们完全与家人/男朋友失去联络 因为我们的data莫名其妙的用完了 而那里又没有free WiFi 让我们用,到最后 我们晚上去了按摩院那里才有了WiFi 用。

就在那时,我家人和他都找得我很凶。我弟弟甚至找上了我朋友的脸书,让她们转告我 我妈妈找不到我。哈哈哈 而他,当然,我莫名其妙地没回他, 他是真的找我找得很急。那时我才发现,WiFi/网络真的很重要。然后我回到酒店后就马上给他回了个电话。

原来,他找我找得那么急是因为他要给我一个惊喜,就是从Surabaya飞到巴厘岛找我。他想要帮我买机票,安排一切,但怎么知道我却失去联络了 哈哈哈 对不起。到最后,我还是决定冒着我会错过飞去曼谷的飞机的险,在盈如她们离开巴厘岛时留下来了。也就是第四天,他很早就从Surabaya坐飞机到巴厘岛,再搭德士来到我酒店饭店大约七点多然后还得继续一个人待着直到盈如她们启程到机场时,我才开始陪他。

他休息了一下,我们就到了新酒店 Golden Tulips check in 了。酒店在 Seminyak 这区,而这里才符合我对巴厘岛的期待。这区靠近海边,酒店比较新比较美,沿途中有很多酒吧,餐馆等,这才是海岛吧 哈哈哈。谢谢他定了那么美的酒店,棒棒哒!

对我们来说,我们都比较喜欢Seminyak 毕竟这里靠近海边也是我们想象中巴厘岛的模样。

照片并不多,因为我们没有参观很多观光景点而且我觉得我不想要时间就在我们狂拍照中流失了,我更想要和他一起度过美好的时光 :)

Best meal in Bali @ Merahputih



最后,真的很谢谢你给了我那么大的惊喜。无论我怎么吵,闹,乱,念,烦,你都让我继续着闹你。虽然我们都有很讨人厌的时候,但谢谢你那么包容我,而我也很庆幸我烦的那个人一直是你 ♥ 还有 Monthsary 快乐 xoxo


J .

Monday 17 October 2016

巴厘岛 Bali Trip

I always wanted to go on a trip with my uni friends Just around the end of July, I told my girls about that when we were out for lunch and they both say yes right on the spot. *Yay* We planned where and when to go right after our lunch. We chose Bali at the end.

Yinglu came my house to stay for two nights before we go to Bali. Brought her went around Penang, get some stuff we need in Bali, like sunglasses, hat, and just shop hahaha. Brought her to her favourite and her craving as well, the Koay Jiap @ Kimberly Street.

The day we fly to Bali me and yinglu both need to reach airport at 5am. Early flight seriously kills us, we slept for around 4 hours? Both of us were so tired and keep on talking about this hahaha

We stayed at Grand Hardy Hotel @ Kuta for our 4D3N trip at Bali. The hotel is just okay, pillow stinks and the floor structure is kind of weird. Imagine your room's window is facing the corridor, I don't get it haha. Most importantly the rooftop is under maintenance but luckily we are still able to swim. 

Let's the photos continue the story...

Breakfast @ Flight Club @ KLIA



Catpoocino a.k.a 猫屎咖啡

Lunch by having the view of volcano


Breathtaking view

Flower bath

Bali was so hot compared to Penang the Sun was so burning so hot. By the way, I think I have too much of expectation to Bali this island cause it is more rural than I think but I love the temple there. I love the Balinese style of home decoration and furniture for quite a time.

It was my first time travelling to foreign country with my friends. We had a lot of laughter, memories, laughing at each other sleeping pose, the night swim talks.

It's always really happy to know both of you in my uni life, seriously. Participate events together, three of us used to appear together. Thanks for accompanying me to accomplish my bucket list which is travelling with friends. Till we meet again okay? xoxo

and here's my first travel video! Enjoy 

J .